Thoughts are spiritual entities that enter our healthy minds. Tampered with minds, often through mind expanding substances, are deprived of the ability to fully grasp the true realities of life. The abuser’s awareness can be altered until one becomes entirely isolated from a normal manner of seeing things in their true perspective. Pain is often the only continuing reality, for it is deep seeded memory of violation and injury. Because of this self-inflicted impairment, one naturally searches for any other still flawless memories. Not being able to access them, one tends to hurl these imaginary “injustices” at others. For fellowship and consolation sake one probes others who might share in similar injurious memories. This thick wall alienating such people from the rest of society can be removed only at the victim’s unconditional surrender to someone who has been fortunate enough to instill deep confidence. Changing of memories by therapy alone is futile. For a season it might appear successful but another “crash” is imminent; pharmaceuticals alter only the physical side of the brain but are not meant to and are incapable of approaching the spiritual memory bank. Electric shocks, intended to get a patient out of the state of depression, sometimes destroy one part of the brain, which is the physical memory bank, and what is the result? Because of this destruction a patient becomes a mental vegetable unable to cope with the true realities of life, for that which was true before has been removed and what remains is a SUBCONSCIOUS struggle with the inner self.
The physical cannot ever mix with the spiritual. When life is removed the body becomes dead matter. When the body fails the spirit of life departs. Although they function together they don’t be-long to each other, neither become one.
Unless one is guided toward God in total surrender, drugs further destroy the spiritual fiber of man. Suppression is destruction. Any type of pressure inflicts more pain, which in turn creates more pain in terms of memories and thought processes.
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